3600GPH Reef 41 Aquarium Sump Package

3600GPH Reef 41 Aquarium Sump Package Details

SKU: seamless-sump-1s3s-1b Category:


The 3600GPH Reef 41 Seamless Sump® Package includes:

  • Skimmer Tub
  • Baffle Tub
  • Glass Shelf for a Protein Skimmer
  • 5 bio media baskets
  • 5 liters bio media
  • Protein skimmer not included.
Select how you want your sock tub configured. Holes are numbered front to back.
Choose at what level you want the glass shelf for the skimmer to sit on.
You can add an additional media basket to make your bio media filter a wet-dry system.
Each 125ML comes in a reusable mesh bag.
Includes two barb couplings
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Height 22.13 in
Length 40.94 in
Depth 17 in
Max Volume

39 Gallons

Ideal Operating Volume

34.7 Gallons

Max Flow Rate

3600 GPH

Aquarium Type


Filter Socks



Freshwater and Saltwater

The 3600GPH Reef 41 Seamless Sump® Package has a max flow rate of 3600 gallons per hour. This sump package can accept up to three H2Overflow® lines.