Seahorse Aquariums, Seahorse Tanks

Seahorse Aquariums

If you are looking for advanced engineered seahorse tanks that will be suitable for keeping your seahorses, Custom Aquariums has committed years of experience to our customized seahorse aquariums. We understand that aquariums for seahorses must be manufactured with attention to detail and durability to ensure your seahorses thrive in their environment. The aquarium-making professionals here at Custom Aquariums have years of experience in the seahorse aquarium-making industry, and we have over fourteen patents either granted or filed and over a dozen trademarks for our products.

Among these seahorse aquarium accessories include the H2Overflow®, Stealthbox®, Seamless Sump®, Siphon Stopper®, and other aquarium systems to improve the feeding and filtration process. At Custom Aquariums, we are committed to solving problems commonly seen in the aquarium-making industry, and we are here to answer any questions regarding your seahorse tanks!

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Seahorse Aquariums

Seahorse Tanks

Keeping seahorses has historically been regarded as a difficult hobby, as seahorses are among the trickiest of marine life to keep healthy. Seahorses are sensitive creatures with special requirements, however, with knowledge of how to care for them properly, they can be rewarding. Recent advancements in saltwater keeping and more research into seahorse health and behavior have improved our understanding of seahorses, and as a result, it has become much easier to care for them appropriately.

Because seahorses are so sensitive, it is important that the seahorse aquariums chosen are customized exactly to suit their needs. Although they are slow swimmers, they will need seahorse tanks with faster water flow yet maintained intakes and overflows to prevent them from getting stuck in an intake. Aquariums for seahorses generally need to be taller than wider, as these delicate creatures swim vertically more than they do horizontally. One of our taller standard seahorse aquariums or our cube seahorse tanks is a great choice.

Seahorses also require lower temperatures in their seahorse tanks, so be sure to keep the temperature under 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, seahorses can be fussy eaters, with some requiring only live food or even only one type of food.

If you are looking into purchasing one of our aquariums for seahorses but are unsure of what species of seahorse to look into keeping, we can provide tips. In addition, some seahorse species are easier to keep than others. Among some of the most popular types of seahorses to keep are the Lined Seahorse, Brazilian Seahorse, Yellow Seahorse, Sea Pony, Tiger Tail Seahorse, Zebra Snout Seahorse, Dwarf Seahorse, Pacific Giant Seahorse, Tiger Snout Seahorse, and Pot Belly Seahorse.

Seahorse Aquariums – Woods & Finishes

Our aquariums need to be both durable and aesthetically pleasing to look at. At Custom Aquariums, we build our seahorse aquariums with a Majestic canopy and stand, which comes in a variety of wood types such as oak and maple. Our wood can then have a quality finish or paint coating to add a classy sheen. To ensure your aquarium has that beautiful sheen on the hoods and stands, our aquarium professionals will hand-sand between coats of stain and clear coat, producing beautiful results for our triggerfish tanks.

Our aquariums for seahorses are manufactured in the USA and made exclusively from the hardwoods of Wisconsin. In addition, the aquarium back has matching plywood with a solid hardwood frame. We never use a practice board in any part of the construction of our seahorse aquariums’ canopies.

Seahorse Tanks – Glass Engineering

Our Majestic® seahorse aquariums are designed in our state-of-the-art glass and working facilities. Custom Aquariums’ facilities are complete with digital read-out glass beveling equipment and woodworking equipment precisely cutting glass to the thousandths of an inch. All our seahorse tanks have hoods and stands that are manufactured utilizing both technology and professional hands-on experience to produce the highest quality seahorse aquariums.