Triggerfish Aquariums

At Custom Aquariums, we provide large triggerfish aquariums that are spacious enough for your triggerfish and other fish species! Our triggerfish aquariums are also engineered with attention to detail and the ability to last for a lifetime! In addition, our triggerfish tanks can be customized to your needs, with various aquarium installation options, shapes, sizes, and colors available!

Are you an experienced aquarium hobbyist or only getting started with an aquarium? No problem! Custom Aquariums builds beautiful triggerfish aquariums that will provide a spacious environment for many triggerfish types, including the Humu Picasso, Niger, Bursa, Clown, Undulate, Humu Rectangle, Blue Throat, Pinktail, Red Tail, and Crosshatch species. These saltwater fish are highly adaptable but require large triggerfish tanks with many places to hide. On average, triggerfish will grow to be six to ten inches in size. One thing to keep in mind is that these striking fish can become aggressive to similar species or other types of fish, so research your species’ temperament to see if an aquarium divider may be required.

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Triggerfish Tank Information

Aquariums for triggerfish must be built with durability and attention to detail. The manufacturers at Custom Aquariums have years of experience in the fish tank-making industry, and we have over thirty patents granted and over a dozen trademarks. Some of these include the H2Overflow®Stealthbox®Seamless Sump®Siphon Stopper®, and other systems for easy aquarium filtration and feeding. Here at Custom Aquariums, we are committed to solving problems commonly seen in the aquarium-making industry and will help you every step of the way when you order one of our triggerfish tanks!

Triggerfish Aquariums – Woods & Finishes

Our glass aquariums for triggerfish are created with the Majestic canopy and stand and come in various wood types such as oak and maple and multiple finishes and paints. Each one of our triggerfish aquariums has the choice of one of our four water-based stain colors. You can also have a custom stain applied to match your home or office area. Our aquarium hoods and stands receive two coats of water-based clear coats. In addition, to ensure a high-quality, classy sheen on the hoods and stands, we will hand-sand between coats of stain and clear coat, producing beautiful results for our triggerfish tanks.

You can count on our triggerfish tanks being manufactured in the USA and are made exclusively from the hardwoods of Wisconsin. The aquarium back features matching plywood with a solid hardwood frame. When manufacturing our aquariums for triggerfish, we put careful detail into our craftsmanship. There is no practice board used in any part of the construction of our triggerfish aquariums’ canopies.

Triggerfish Aquariums – Glass Engineering

Our Majestic® triggerfish aquariums are built using our state-of-the-art glass and woodworking facilities. Custom Aquariums’ facilities are complete with digital read-out glass beveling equipment and woodworking equipment accurate to the thousandths of an inch. These triggerfish aquarium hoods and stands are manufactured using a combination of technology and hands-on experience to produce the highest quality pieces with a shorter lead time than our competitors.