Speaker 1: Hey guys. I know it's been a long time since you've seen my face on one of the videos. There's a really good reason for that and that reason is to my right. This is the tank we've been working on. It came in about a month ago. It's taking a very long time to get it going, but that has turned out to be a very beautiful system.
This is the 700-gallon tank. It's a little bit more than that but right around 700 made by Custom Aquariums. It's 10 feet long, by three feet front to back, three feet high, so very, very large system. That was definitely a logistical nightmare to get it in, get it up here. I'm sure some of you have seen the photos of us using farm jacks to lift it up. The glass by itself weighed about a ton. It was quite heavy, didn't really want to trust a shrink lifting it.
Fun, fun time getting it in, but it's up. It's running, it looks really good. It's been full of water for about two weeks, and it's had livestock in it for about a week-and-a-half, so everything's going great. There's about 40 fish in there right now, including: clowns, and tanks, and damsels, and gobies, and there's a couple cromies in there, some rabbitfish. So far, it's looking pretty good.
We got about 20 assorted corals in there as of right now, definitely just starting to soft this. We're very proud of this system and stuff keeping a long journey to get here, but it's up and it's running and it really is great. As far as the system specs, we have four Radion Gen-F pros up top. We chose those lights mainly for their punch to reach all the way down to the bottom. They're running close to 100% right now.
We left the very end light lists because if you do that you get this really cool effect where the shadows angle through the water, and it actually looks like what you had seen in the natural reef scene. It's actually a really cool effect that happens when you leave one of the lights off. Obviously, there's no corals over there, so we don't really need that much light over there. We left a lot of negative space in this tank so the fish have a comfortable amount of room to swim.
We definitely veered away from the rock wall style just because that never looks good, it never really works, just causes disasters. We have a lot of open negative space and a lot of interesting structures, including a very large cave, a bunch of other caves where the fish love hanging out, a nice tabletop where we'll put monies and cupping chalices to really expand out from that and just some other nice features.
Again, we kept the rock structure. The tip of this rock structure is about two feets, almost 30 inches high up the very top. When it's cold, it really start growing, they will reach for the close to the top. I feel like this structure has really given it that depth and dimension that it needs to make it feel like the big tank that it actually is. If we just did a rock wall, it looked like garbage and you wouldn't even realize that actually is such a large system.
This really gives it that perspective that we were looking for. Now as far as the tank, we have four-inch-and-a-half holes in the back. Those are run on Custom Aquariums, their H2 overflow system. Each of those overflow little boxes can handle 1,200 gallons per hour, and that's right around work push and right around 4,200 through this whole system. It has four of those and you can hear they're extremely quiet for such a large system and then three one-inch returns.
You notice I don't have any lock line on there, no pieces of PVC to direct flow. Basically all we're wanting from them is just to force out as much water as possible, so no restriction whatsoever. We're going to use the four Gyre X350s in there to really get the flow that we're desiring. Each of those Gyres along the back wall can do 5,000 pounds per hour and honestly a little bit more. The whole system, we have about 25,000 gallons per hour turnover rate, which for this size tank is honestly pretty great.
They're off, obviously, right now, so it's easier to take this video and show you guys. We have it set up with the IV6 system, so it can run wirelessly with your phone, which is really great. The lights are set up to the same way. Moving down, this is the whole subsystem. It's a custom 125. It's six feet long, 18 inches by 21 inches. You see the water first comes down into the mat down there, and that's where the large amount of collections will happen.
Now I avoided socks on this system because I hate socks. I hate them so much and I really just like being able to pull out the mat, change it out. It works just as great. That's been running in there for about a week and you can see how dirty is at that point. The skimmer is the Reef Octopus, 9,000 SRO. Really amazing skimmer. It's got the VarioS DC-8 on it and it has the auto-shutoff switch that you can see right here.
If it gets to fold or shut the pump down which is a really great feature, that is just three days of skimming. This thing really does work amazingly well. We have two Neos 2.0-liter reactors in there. Now these things, are we that overpriced? There are about 300 bucks a piece but for the ease of maintenance and changing them out, we decided to go with on the system just to have just the best kind of system that we could. Yes, they are expensive but they do work pretty well.
We have eight cups of carbon in the back and then a full bag, about 500 milliliters of the Brightwell Phosphate Xport. Now coming down here and this is a two 80 watt UV sterilizer. Let me get these codes out of there. This is keeping the system clean, the fish healthy, really important when you're setting up larger tanks and mixture and include a sterilizer with the amount of nutrients you're dealing with.
With such a large system, things can easily get out of control if you don't have multiple ways of getting it down. Running two different heaters here in two different controllers. There's a 1,000-watt heater connecting to each of these. The ink birds are really nice, and they're really high quality. Then the H2 pro is just another system. I really like having certain redundancies.
You can see they're actually reading a little bit off, which to me isn't really an issue because this one tells us where it actually is set on at a good reading. This one is a little bit off, the heater is on for this one. It's nice because the heater will be on for that one. Make sure the temp is staying at a pretty decent degrees, but honestly, you need both. 2,000-watt heaters to be able to raise the temperature on this thing. It's just a really nice stabilization effect.
We set that one to be really, really minute difference in temperature. This one is a longer difference in temperature. This one's going to run more often, this one's going to kick on if it really needs to. Then here is a mean return pump. Now that is the reef octopus water blasters 16,000. The biggest one they sell, as far as I can remember. That pump alone can push 4,300 gallons per hour, which is insane for an internal pump that is that quiet. You can't really even hear it.
All you can really hear throughout this entire system is just a water trickling down the back engine and half pipes, which is pretty amazing if you really think about it. A system like this, you'd expect to be just crashing, gurgling, everything but it really is a quiet system. I'm very proud of that setup. We use a hybrid, it's vinyl up until it reaches just the top end of the stand there and then goes into hard plumbing in the back.
Each of the outlets are valves, so we can make sure the water coming out of each valve outlet is the same. Then it uses two AutoAqua solenoid auto top-offs. Basically what this does is there's a five-stage already on machine in the back. As the water drops, it'll turn on the RM, the AI machine by opening up the solenoid. That'll let the water in. Once it hits the sensor, it'll shut off the solenoid.
Then we have doubled redundancy install on it, so just in case the one sensor fails, we have a backup sensor that'll shut it off if it raises an inch above that. It's a really nice system, automatic top off, no need to have a separate reservoir, I really like the way it's done. Eventually, there is going to be an apex on the system, which is going to control this loony and anything like that, but that's a later on down the road that we're going to do.
Like I said, we got 40 fish in here, there's another 30 at the store that are going and then we're going to let it sit for about a month just to really acclimate to that. All the feeding is done automatically through an automatic feed on the top which traps right away, so the pellets don't float on the surface. They definitely sink right in. There's three cleaner shrimp in there to make sure all the fish are doing great.
In all honesty guys, the system really has been doing really well and it's come a long way, and really couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. Get a couple more things to do on it, but in all honesty, it's pretty much done and we're just at the filling endpoint, which is the hardest thing for systems like this. Trying to feel something like this takes a lot of livestock and a lot of fish, a lot of corals. It's just a lot.
For this look for what we're going to end up having around 120 fish in here, there's going to be about 30 tanks, about 10 angels. Of course, you know me, I'm going to have her ass in here too. There's just going to be a good mix all around. With the system, as it sits right now, we really won't have a lot of phosphates or nitrate production, so really won't see that many hermit crab or anything like that in here, but eventually we will have like feather dusters and urchin's and scallops, all that fun crazy stuff that people just like looking at.
Thanks, guys. I know it was a longer video. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. We will have an automatic doser those in aqua forest, obviously, to just keep all the elements right. In all honesty, with a system this large there's going to be so many nutrients in it, the trace elements and magnesium, sodium iodine and all that. In the beginning, we won't really have to worry about dosing for the first three months or so.
Thanks for watching. I really appreciate it, guys. Now that I have this done, I can actually like focus on the store a lot more. I know it's been a little hard showing there, but it honestly is because this has just taken so much of my time, so much work to get it to where it is right now and it's a really good place. We'll be working on the store more getting that back in the right place. I thank you all for your patience, and thanks for watching, guys. Bye.[00:11:23] [END OF AUDIO]