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The BEST Of Aquashella – $7,000 Betta Fish, A Paludarium + 600 Neon Tetras!

By Emma Lynne Sampson on

Speaker: Hello guys, welcome back to my channel. As many of you guys know I was recently just in Dallas, Texas for an awesome event called Aquashella.

Aquashella was an aquarium festival that I attended and it was so much fun so I wanted to make this video to show you guys some of my favorite parts of Aquashella.


First off, I want to start by showing you guys one of my favorite things that I saw at Aquashella and that was this amazing paludarium by Custom Aquariums/Custom Cages. For a big reptile and fish lover such as myself, you guys can probably see why I liked this setup so much. This here was a paludarium and what that means is, it's basically has some water in it and land. I don't I don't really know how to describe it very well but it's like a mix of water and land. They had a variety of different species living in here including a beautiful caiman lizard.


Caiman lizards are actually a species of lizards that are quite aquatic, they spend a lot of time in the water. A caiman lizard is like the perfect animal to have such a beautiful paludarium for. This was, by far, one of my favorite things that I saw there, I would absolutely love to have one of these in my own home. I've actually recently been thinking about the idea of possibly setting up my own paludarium so I was very fascinated by this one and I'm sure you guys can see why. There was a variety of different fish living in the water section of the paludarium such as some neon tetras, and Angelfish which I thought was really cool.

Neon tetras are one of my favorite little fish, I think they're just so beautiful and pretty so I really, really like that. Then, of course, there was the caiman lizard in here who I love. Not only was the inside of the paludarium beautiful, you can see all of the leaves and branches and everything that went into this. It's an amazing setup but the outside of it was amazing as well. It's like a beautiful piece of furniture with a wooden bottom and the wooden top I think it's just absolutely beautiful all over and if you couldn't tell I am obsessed with it.


Along with the paludarium they actually had some vision cages on displays as well. They had some different snakes living inside of them which I think is cool. Again, as a big reptile person, it was neat to see this at an aquarium show.


Over here is something else that I was very interested in at Aquashella, they had a beautiful seahorse tank. The tank that the seahorses are in was actually made by Custom Aquariums, and then the seahorses that you see here were bred by Alyssa's Seahorse Savvy. These are all captive bred seahorses which I think is awesome. Another amazing part of Aquashella was this room that you see here which was just full of beautiful artwork that glows under the black light.

It was so neat and super unique. The art was beautiful, it was made to look like coral so it felt like you were walking in some neat underwater room. It was really awesome to see. I thought that it was so neat. Seeing how much work went into all of this was really amazing. I'm not a huge artist myself but I definitely love to appreciate art so this room was one of the big highlights to me.


At Aquashella, there was a ton of beautiful betta fish which I absolutely loved. I think betta fish are some of the most underrated fish out there because they're just so beautiful, they come in so many different colors. I think that they're absolutely amazing so I was super happy to see so many bettas there, some really awesome ones. There were two bettas that stood out in particular to me and those are these fish that you see here. These bettas are actually really unique because they are double finned. They have two tail fins almost and because of that, they are worth around $7,000 which is insane. That's a lot for a fish.

They were really neat and I'm super glad I got to see these in person. From what I was told there's very few of these in the world, if not none of them aside from these two. I believe someone said they might have been the only ones in the world but I might be wrong so don't hold me to that. Aquashella had a ton of beautiful freshwater aquariums. One of my favorites was this neon tetra tank that you see here. This tank was super cool, is just full of a ton of neon tetras and they were all just swimming in circles all day long which is really neat. I loved this tank.


Aquashella also had a shrimp contest going on. I never actually knew that shrimp were such a big deal but I learned a lot about them and I find them really interesting now. I'm really excited to learn more about shrimp because they are a lot cooler than I thought they were. Of course there was a ton of beautiful coral at Aquashella. There were so many coral vendors there, so many neat corals to see in person. I wish that I remembered to use a filter to filter out the blue light when I was filming but I didn't but thankfully, I don't think the footage is too bad. Let's go ahead and enjoy some of the corals that I saw at Aquashella because they are beautiful.


There was also some super fun contests going on at Aquashella such as this scape off between the King of DIY and George Farmer. This was the freshwater scape off. There was actually a saltwater scape off as well but unfortunately, I missed that one so I only have footage of the freshwater one. They were really neat contests, really fun to watch. I really love seeing different aquascapes so I really enjoyed watching these contests.


Of course, I cannot forget the Pixie Bell pug booth. They were so adorable. How can you not love a pug dressed up in fish costumes? That is just awesome. Then, one of the other booths that I really liked was the Universal Rocks booth. They were also responsible for this amazing setup that was in the Amazon Room at Aquashella which I thought was really neat. I really liked seeing this.


Of course, I cannot forget the pet fest and the fish tube booth. This is where I was actually set up most of the day, in the pet fest booth along with a bunch of other YouTubers and there was a ton of cool YouTubers in the fish tube booth as well. That was a big highlight for me just getting to be there as a creator. It was so awesome. All of this said that was my highlights of Aquashella video.

Thank you guys so much for watching. I really hope that you enjoyed the video. If you did, be sure to give it a big thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Also, be sure to check out all my social media, everything is just emmasam99. It will all be down in the description below and I'd love to have you there. Well, once again, thank you so much for watching and I will see you all next time.


About Emma Lynne Sampson

Emma Lynn Sampson is a reptile enthusiast and pet owner and keeps monitors, snakes, chameleons, bearded dragons, frogs, and hamsters and other exotic pets. Watch her YouTube channel where she discusses her reptile pets, posts vlogs, and shares information on reptile care. Custom Aquariums & Custom Cages met Emma at the Aquashella event in April 2019 in Dallas. Watch her video about our massive paludarium on display at that event, which featured a beautiful, exotic caiman lizard, as well as neon tetras, angelfish and other fish species.

"My whole life revolves around animals... And so does this channel. If you like animals then you'll enjoy my videos."

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