4800GPH Reef 55 Aquarium Sump Package

4800GPH Reef 55 Aquarium Sump Package Details

SKU: seamless-sump-1sb4sb-1mr Category:


The 4800GPH Reef 55 Seamless Sump® Package includes:

  • All In One Tub
  • Mini Reservoir Tub
  • 1x Glass Shelf for a Protein Skimmer
  • Reservoir in-line recirculation fitting
  • Reservoir recirculation line
  • Protein skimmer not included.
1/2" Evaporation
1/2" Refugium
1-1/2" Evaporation (+$19.90)
1-1/2" Refugium (+$19.90)
Learn more about refugium and evaporation configurations. This will also let you upgrade the Reservoir Tub line from a 1/2" tube to a 1-1/2" tube. Learn more about this upgrade.
The screens help prevent debris from traveling back to your pump. The more screens the higher the flow rate.
The screens help prevent debris from traveling back to your pump. The more screens the higher the flow rate.
Select how you want your socks configured. Socks are numbered left to right, front to back.
Choose at what level you want the included glass shelf for the skimmer to sit on.
Each fitting option includes 4 feet of appropriate sized return line.
Each 125ML comes in a reusable mesh bag.
18W UV Sterilizer (+$229.95)
Includes four barb couplings and two elbows.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Height 17 in
Length 55 in
Depth 18.66 in
Depth With 1-1/2" Tubing Upgrade

20.76 in

Max Volume

50.3 Gallons

Ideal Operating Volume

42.1 Gallons

Max Flow Rate

4800 GPH

Aquarium Type


Sump Style


Freshwater and Saltwater

The 4800GPH Reef 55 Seamless Sump® Package has a max flow rate of 4800 gallons per hour. This sump package can accept up to four H2Overflow® lines.

Refugium or Evaporation Plumbing

If you have noticed that we offer two different plumbing options but are not sure why you may want one or the other, this section is for you.

The evaporation configuration is drilled low. This makes it so that the water level in the reservoir tub will be the same as the All in One Tub. However, in the event so much water evaporates the water level in the All in One Tub goes below 2.3″ the water level in the All in One Tub continues to fall while the Mini Reservoir Tub will remain the same.

There are two main advantages of the evaporation configuration. The first is that for each evaporation Reservoir Tub you will have about 13 extra gallons of evaporation volume. The second advantage is that it provides extra volume in your sump system to absorb the small amount of back siphoned water from your aquarium if your pumps fail or lose power.

The refugium configuration is drilled high. This keeps a minimum water level of 11.8″ and 16.4 gallons. This gives you a safe place for live rock, coral, fish, or plants. Typically, you will want to add our filter screen to the tube to keep food and debris out of the pump chamber.

Understanding the 1-1/2″ Tube Upgrade

In this section, we will briefly discuss why you may want to upgrade to the 1-1/2″ tube.

Sump Overflow Prevention

Our Siphon Stopper® is designed to break a back-siphon in case your pump fails or loses power. However, it is still possible to have 1/8″ to 1/4″ of back-siphon with a properly mounted Siphon Stopper®.  Additionally, there is an estimated 1/2″ to 3/4″ of possible water from your H2Overflow® that will flow to the sump. Depending on the size of your aquarium this may be a few gallons or a lot of water.

In the worst-case scenario, you will need your sump system to absorb 1″ of water from your aquarium. 1″ is more than you will likely lose. However, as it has been said, “Plan for the worst, expect the best.”

When all this water starts rushing to your sump a little will come from the Siphon Stopper® and the majority will be from your overflows. All of the water will land in the All in One Tub. If your reservoir tub is drilled for evaporation it can also help absorb the water from the aquarium. The larger 1-1/2″ tube between the All in One Tub and the Reservoir Tub allows the water to move faster into the Reservoir Tub keeping your All in One Tub from potentially overflowing.

In this Seamless Sump® Package the total amount of water that can be absorbed is around 2,370 cubic inches. The All in One Tub can absorb around 1,540 cubic inches and the Mini Reservoir Tub can absorb around 830 cubic inches. For example, if you used this sump package on our 180* Gallon 24″H x 72″L x 24″D Aquarium Special an inch of water loss would be a little under 1650 cubic inches. This is more than the All in One Tub could likely absorb on its own. Because the Mini Reservoir Tub only needs to absorb the extra 110 cubic inches to keep the All in One Tub from overflowing it is very unlikely you will need the increased flow provided by the 1-1/2″ tube. However, with a larger aquarium that needs multiple Reservoir Tubs, it may be needed.

High Flow Refugium

Another reason you may want to upgrade to the 1-1/2″ tubing is to increase the flow inside a refugium. If you have coral or anything else in your refugium that needs increased flow the 1-1/2″ upgrade will provide it. In the case of a high-flow refugium you may want to look at running a 1/2″ overflow line directly from our StealthBox® to your refugium.

Stand Size Limitations

It is important to note that the 1-1/2″ tube upgrade increases the depth of the system from front to back to just under 21″. This means you cannot use the 1-1/2″ tubing in one of our 18″ deep aquarium stands.